Quickly & accurately authenticate identity data Automate the processing & validating of info Rules-based workflows to help ensure consistency Integrate and update systems with verified data Create and maintain an audit trail Reduce costs Speed up processing Simplify decision making Balance…
Statutory Checks
Automate the creation and sending of forms & documents, including eSignature requests Automate the processing & validating of info Integrate and update systems with verified data Rules-based workflows to help ensure consistency Reduce costs Speed up processing Simplify decision making Balance…
Public Communications
Send ad-hoc and bulk mail items to us via our hybrid mail system Apply digital letterheads & inserts on-the-fly Apply barcode intelligence for tracking & tracing Intelligently route to digital & traditional channels Eliminate data breaches Reduce costs Free up office…
Supplier Onboarding
Automate the creation and sending of onboarding forms & documents, including eSignature requests Multi-channel capture of onboarding documentation Capture key information to assist evaluation Automatically identify & request missing info Reduce onboarding time & costs Eliminate paper storage Free up office…
Sales Order Processing
Multi-channel capture of sales order information Link sales order to associated documents (e.g.quotes, specifications) from CRM, MS Teams etc. Automate info validation and orchestrate actions Automate PO creation, distribution & system updates Reduce cost of sale Streamline sign-off and reduce bottlenecks…
Know Your Customer
Multi-channel capture of ID and related info Quickly & accurately authenticate identity data Rules-based workflows to help ensure consistency Create and maintain an audit trail Reduce processing time and costs Eliminate paper storage Free up office space Enable remote working Improve…
Employee Onboarding
Automate the creation and sending of onboarding forms & documents, including eSignature requests Multi-channel capture of onboarding documentation Capture key information to assist evaluation Automatically identify & request missing info Reduce onboarding time & costs Eliminate paper storage Free up office…
Document Centre Outsource
TUPE transfer the existing operation Utilise Flow-AI technology to deliver efficiency Migrate suitable work to Flow-AI hub Transform to a digital-first delivery XaaS pricing model, to remove CapEx requirement Reduce costs Reduce reliance on paper Free up office space Enable remote…
Customer Onboarding
Automate the creation and sending of onboarding forms & documents, including eSignature requests Identify onboarding documents upon receipt Capture key information to assist evaluation Automatically identify & request missing info Reduce onboarding time & costs Eliminate paper storage Free up…
Customer Comms
Ad-hoc, bulk or system generated communication Automated document composition Mutli-channel delivery by customer preference Closed loop capture with inbound communications Create and maintain an audit trail Eliminate paper storage costs Store information securely Find the information you need quickly & easily…