Send ad-hoc and system generated patient correspondence via our Hybrid Mail system Automatically apply branding, forms & info packs Apply barcode intelligence for tracking & tracing Intelligently route to digital & traditional channels Eliminate data breaches Significantly reduce costs Free up…
Public Communications
Send ad-hoc and bulk mail items to us via our hybrid mail system Apply digital letterheads & inserts on-the-fly Apply barcode intelligence for tracking & tracing Intelligently route to digital & traditional channels Eliminate data breaches Reduce costs Free up office…
Document Centre Outsource
TUPE transfer the existing operation Utilise Flow-AI technology to deliver efficiency Migrate suitable work to Flow-AI hub Transform to a digital-first delivery XaaS pricing model, to remove CapEx requirement Reduce costs Reduce reliance on paper Free up office space Enable remote…
Customer Comms
Ad-hoc, bulk or system generated communication Automated document composition Mutli-channel delivery by customer preference Closed loop capture with inbound communications Create and maintain an audit trail Eliminate paper storage costs Store information securely Find the information you need quickly & easily…
Resident Comms (inbound)
Multi-channel capture of request for information
Classify correspondence & capture key info
Apply sentiment analysis to identify complaints
Distribute to recipients and systems
Automate inbound correspondence processing
Hybrid Mail
Send ad-hoc and bulk mail items to us via our hybrid mail system Apply digital letterheads & inserts on-the-fly Apply barcode intelligence for tracking & tracing Intelligently route to digital & traditional channels Eliminate data breaches Reduce costs Free up office…
Accounts Receivable
Capture invoice & credit notes at point of creation, Intelligently route to post, email & portal channels, Apply barcode intelligence for tracking & tracing and Automate the inclusion marketing enclosures